Tight Hips?

Stretch with hip-opening exercises with text about the risks of tight hips, poor posture, and tips to improve hip health.
Hey Hipsters ☮️ ,
 Tight hips are no fun. Is there danger in having perpetual “tight hips “ ? YES !
 Many people assume that tight hips are simply inconvenient. You can’t sit comfortably on the floor, many yoga poses are out of reach, and you get fidgety and uncomfortable in the car and on planes. But it’s much worse than that.
  1. When your hips are tight, you automatically adjust your movement patterns to make up for it.
  2. When you squat, your feet turn out and your heels pop up.
  3. When you sit cross-legged, your back hunches up into a ball.
  4. When you run, your hips don’t fully extend, so your running gait turns into a clumsy waddle, especially when you become fatigued.
 All these movement workarounds contribute or even cause chronic back and knee pain, among other problems. When you’re walking, sitting, and running around with poor posture, you’re simply more prone to injury.
 What can you do to improve your Hips Health?
 H I P O P E N E R S T R E T C H E S
 Book a session with our Kinesiologist, Meagan Steeves. She can set you up for success with a doable home program. Online booking is easy!