Partner stretching is a great way to improve flexibility, deepen stretches, and bond with a friend or workout buddy. Here are some effective partner stretches:
Lower Body Stretches
1.Seated Hamstring Stretch
- Sit facing each other with legs extended and feet touching.
- Hold hands and take turns gently pulling each other forward.
2. Assisted Quad Stretch
- One person lies on their side while the other helps pull their top ankle toward their glutes for a deep quad stretch.
3. Seated Butterfly Stretch
- One person sits with feet together and knees out.
- The partner presses down gently on their knees while they lean forward.
4. Legs-Up Wall Stretch (with Partner Support)
- One person lies on their back with legs up, and the partner gently presses their feet toward them for a deeper hamstring and lower back stretch.
Upper Body Stretches
5.Chest & Shoulder Stretch
- Stand back-to-back, interlock arms, and have one person lean forward to stretch the other’s shoulders and chest.
6.Assisted Triceps Stretch
- One person reaches one arm overhead and bends at the elbow.
- The partner gently pulls the elbow for a deeper stretch.
7. Seated Spinal Twist
- Sit cross-legged back-to-back. Each person twists in opposite directions, placing a hand on their partner’s knee for support.
Full Body & Dynamic Stretches
8. Downward Dog with Partner Assist
- One person gets into a downward dog position while the partner gently pushes their lower back for a deeper stretch.
9. Standing Forward Fold with Pull
- Stand facing each other, hold hands, and take a step back, pulling each other into a deeper stretch.
10. Backbend Support Stretch
- One person leans back into a standing backbend while the partner supports them at the lower back for balance.

If you need help setting up your own daily stretching routine book an appointment with Meagan Steeves, our talented Kinesiologist.