Carpal Tunnel, Wrist Pain, Carpal Tunnel Exercises, Hand Numbness
 Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition caused by compression of the median nerve as it passes through the carpal tunnel in the wrist. This compression can lead to symptoms such as pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness in the hand and fingers, particularly affecting the thumb, index, and middle fingers. Physiotherapy for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a common treatment approach, especially in its early stages. See your physiotherapist for exercise guidelines and treatment.
  • Wrist range of motion:
      1.  Flexion: Gently bend your wrist forward.
      2.  Extension: Gently bend your wrist backward. 
      3.  Side to side: Gently move your wrist from side to side (a handshake motion). 
  • Wrist stretch: Press the back of the hand on your injured side with your other hand to help bend your wrist. Hold for 15 to 30 seconds. Next, stretch the hand back by pressing the fingers in a backward direction.
  • Mid-trap exercise: Lie on your stomach on a firm surface and place a folded pillow underneath your chest. Place your arms out straight to your sides with your elbows straight and thumbs toward the ceiling. Slowly raise your arms toward the ceiling as you squeeze your shoulder blades together. Lower slowly.
  • Pectoralis stretch: Stand in an open doorway or corner with both hands slightly above your head on the door frame or wall. Slowly lean forward until you feel a stretch in the front of your shoulders.
  • Scalene stretch: Sit or stand and clasp both hands behind your back. Lower your left shoulder and tilt your head toward the right until you feel a stretch.
  • Thoracic extension: Sit in a chair and clasp both arms behind your head. Gently arch backward and look up toward the ceiling. Do this several times each day.
  • Scapular squeeze: While sitting or standing with your arms by your sides, squeeze your shoulder blades together and hold for 5 seconds.
  • Wrist extension: Hold a soup can or hammer handle in your hand with your palm facing down. Slowly bend your wrist up. Slowly lower the weight down into the starting position.
  • Grip strengthening: Squeeze a soft rubber ball and hold the squeeze for 5 seconds.